
South Douglas Looking for Supervisors

Are you interested in becoming more involved with your Conservation District? South Douglas Conservation District will have elected and appointed supervisor positions open early in 2025.The five member Board of Supervisors meets on the first Monday of each month, except August. The supervisors set policy and direction for the Conservation District, serving a three year term without compensation. (We can reimburse for travel to monthly meetings) They oversee conservation practices in southern Douglas County, promoting education and protecting natural resources.  Currently, the district is involved in developing the Firewise Program in Douglas County, Tree and Shrub Sale, water quality projects, and a cost share program for its cooperators.  Your time would involve monthly board meetings as well as community contact to identify resource needs and provide assistance, whether technical, financial or educational.

If you are interested in becoming a supervisor, please call the office, 745-9160. Visit southdouglascd.org for more information on the district.  The application form must be completed by February 11, 2025.